Dark Melody - Christine Feehan I'm listening to this audiobook. Thank goodness the narrator is back to Rebecca Cook. I also have the paperback.

I've realized after what 12 books that every single woman is always tired, only having any kind of energy for a few hours a day. I realize that they are fictional but these women are a little unusual, okay a lot unusual. Have they never stayed awake for 24 hours? Most of these women are in their 20s so I don't understand why they are all so tired. In this book of course the heroine is ill, but what are the excuses for the other women. Is being constantly tired in some way sexy to Carpathanian males? You know, I do need a nap myself every once in awhile but I'm double the age of these women. So perhaps I'm the unusual one! Hmmm, something to think about.

Also the next book I swear I'm taking a shot everything a woman's vagina is described as "hot velvet" or "velvet heat" or "hot lava" or "molten lava". I have a birthday party at my house Saturday night with 5 - 13 and 14 years old girls this weekend. I think that would be the perfect time to get smashed.

The story itself, eh. I can't even blame it on the narrator. I liked the actual book more than the audiobook, and realized I had read this book before.