The Darkest Kiss - Keri Arthur Reread by audiobook. I also have the paperback. Felt the same about the book as my previous review but want to note what a HUGE difference this new narrator is the the book. The first narrator was Australian, so the accent fit. Then the 2nd one was American and her accent was so broad that it was Benny Hill-ish with the sexual comments, verging on too much. Now in this book American narrator but her accent was so low key that I really enjoyed the book and even with the double entrendres (which were a lot less because of where Riley's life is at), it wasn't so over the top.

Previous review 04/28/10 Another 3.5 stars book. I loved that Quinn is back in her life. This was a much more mature Riley and a lot of the random sexual encounters have been stopped (perhaps temporarily?). The story itself was different enough that it kept my interest but for the villain to punish a whole sophomore class seemed a little much. But what do I know of psycho vampire-type killers that have been kept in a silver room for years? I'm off to book #7.