The Sugar queen - Sarah Addison Allen Really sweet, romantic book! I am so jealous of Chloe and her little friends!

Josey lived with her overbearing mother who makes her suffer it seems for her being such a brat when she was little. Now she's 27 and really done nothing with her life. One morning she opens her window to see a ladder outside her window and the bad girl from town in her closet hiding out. Della Lee finds her stash of sugary bad snacks, travel magazines and romance novels. Della Lee will keep her secret if Josey lets her stay. With Della Lee in her closet this forces Josey to get out of her mother's circle of influence and run into and meet other people. She also finally meets her secret crush outside of his mail route.

I just loved this book. I loved her other book Garden Spells. I'm planning on reading other books this author has written. I would recommend both of these books.